Presentations (Communicative Events)

The Information Architecture of Emergency Response

Whysel, Noreen Y.

This presentation at the 2012 Information Architecture Summit, explored the evolution of technology in emergency response, with a special focus on advances in geographic systems, incident management, social media and policy in New York City since September 11, 2001. What technologies do emergency responders in NYC use? How have events like 9/11 and other incidents influenced technology advances? What effect, if any, has the change from a Law Enforcement Mayor to a Media Mayor had on data policy? What are the challenges and opportunities of open government data? How is social media being used in NYC and elsewhere to engage the public in emergency preparedness and response? And, finally, are app contests and hackathons an effective way to improve public services in difficult economic times? The session concluded with a Town Hall discussion of how the IA community can support emergency response efforts throughout each of our own neighborhoods.

Geographic Areas


  • thumnail for IA_of_ER_Presentation.ppt IA_of_ER_Presentation.ppt application/powerpoint 21.2 MB Download File

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Academic Units
Libraries and Information Services
Published Here
December 27, 2013


Other versions of this presentation were given at NYC OEM Women's HIstory Month Breakfast, which had less of the emergency stuff and focused directly on IA, and the NYC Interaction Design Association which was geared toward design and interactive products interests.