
Education and Outreach for the International Polar Year

Pfirman, Stephanie L.; Bell, Robin E.; Turrin, Margaret J.; Maru, Poonam

If the 65 educators, scientists, and media specialists who gathered at the "Bridging the Poles" workshop in Washington, D.C. last June have their way a semitrailer truck labeled "Got Snow?" would traverse the country during the International Polar Year (IPY) of 2007-2009 loaded with polar gear, interactive activities, and a snowmaker. We would significantly increase the number of Arctic residents—especially indigenous Alaskans—with Ph.D.s. We would build exchange programs between inner city youths and polar residents. Polar exhibitions would open at natural history and art museums and zoos. And polar postage stamps, interactive polar computer games, national polar book-of-the-month recommendations, made-for-TV polar documentaries, and a polar youth forum would bring the poles front and center to the public's attention.


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Academic Units
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Marine Geology and Geophysics
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February 13, 2012