
Kernochan Center for Law, Media and the Arts Panel Transcript: Who’s Left Holding the [Brand Name] Bag? Secondary Liability for Trademark Infringement on the Internet

Ginsburg, Jane C.; Cotton, Amy; Weigel, Bob; Rich, Bruce; Peguera, Miquel; Calboli, Irene; Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts

Proposed Secondary Liability Regimes for Trademark Infringement Online: Commentary

JANE GINSBURG: This is our last panel, and the object is to bring a number of experts, including practitioners and academics, from the United States and from abroad, to react to the two proposals that we just heard. Each of the panelists will give initial comments, and then we are going to go around the table again so that our panelists can react to one another’s comments.


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Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts

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July 27, 2015