2015 Reports
Radical Anticipatory Vision, Praxis, And The Anticipatory Community In The Exchange Between Gandhi and King
As we face the uncertainty of our own stricken age, an age stricken with the ongoing lynching of the black American body, of the body of the Dalit and other so-called “untouchables” in India, and the body of the Earth herself, the prophetic anticipatory vision of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma) Gandhi remains for us as a guiding post and a guiding light, which, even in its imperfections, has by and large not lost any of its radical edge and potential. In this paper I propose to carefully explore and explicate our contemporary understanding of the theory and praxis of anticipatory vision and the radical space of the anticipatory community through an exchange with the anticipatory vision and praxis of Gandhi and King. How does the anticipatory vision of these two prophetic luminaries, along with the voices of those who called and critiqued them to something wiser and deeper, encourage, inspire, and enflame the incredibly urgent necessity for anticipation that we face today to create the beloved community governed by the liberatory assertion of swaraj, or self-rule?
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- Academic Units
- Union Theological Seminary
- Published Here
- September 2, 2015