
Making Maternal and Child Health Care a Priority

Stebbins, Helene

As the national debate about health care continues, two things remain clear about ensuring children's health: 1. Access to health insurance is not enough. While eligibility for and enrollment in Medicaid and/or SCHIP is fundamental, children must get to the doctor at regular intervals for the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of any special needs or developmental delays they have, coupled with follow-up referrals to needed services to address them. 2. Healthy children need healthy parents. The health of the mother — before, during, and after pregnancy — has a direct impact on the health of the child. To help inform the national and state-level debate on how to improve the health care system, this fact sheet takes a closer look at state policy choices that promote access to high-quality health care for mothers and children.

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Academic Units
National Center for Children in Poverty
National Center for Children in Poverty, Columbia University
Improving the Odds for Young Children Publications
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June 8, 2010