2012 Theses Master's
Gypsum Recycling in PlaNYC 2030: Spaces for Government Intervention
Initiative 5 of PlaNYC 2030 details the city's support in developing "cost-effective recycling options" for gypsum scrap in the construction and demolition (C&D) waste stream (148). Currently only 0.06% of drywall waste is recycled, a very low rate in comparison with the fact that nearly 70% of the entire C&D waste stream is recycled in NYC. This research will follow a question posited in alignment with the city's agenda: How can NYC incentivize drywall recycling? Primary research components include observation of demolitions as well as interviews with key stakeholders in the gypsum supply chain. Illustrative diagrams are included to explain the life-cycle of gypsum from extraction to disposal. A key finding of this research is that the poor recycling rate for gypsum does not present a significant environmental or public health threat. As such, the gypsum problem does not warrant regulatory intervention to solve. Nevertheless, recommendations for future policy directions are still provided.
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More About This Work
- Academic Units
- Urban Planning
- Thesis Advisors
- Beauregard, Robert
- Degree
- M.S., Columbia University
- Published Here
- May 22, 2012