
In Pursuit of Seminary Historiography: The Case of Digital Textuality, Preservation, and the Margins Theological Librarianship

Elia, Anthony J.

What I'd like to present to you today is a brief discussion on understanding these seminary historiographies through the digital preservation of certain library materials both circulating books and archival materials, which I like to call library marginalia—and how using very basic free online tools (e.g., the Google platform) can promote and develop a broader and more developed educational and scholarly product for your institutions, denominational bodies, and the larger academic communities. I will go through a few products of early Web 2.0 (which are common and many of you know about), as well as some newer, later Web 2.0/3.0 technologies, such as Google Wave. I will focus most on the Lutheran portions of the collections, as they are the aspects I've dealt with most intimately. But let me begin with a brief discussion of "digital textuality" itself.



Also Published In

American Theological Library Association Summary of Proceedings

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Academic Units
Burke Library
Published Here
December 5, 2011


Title begins: ". . . Theological Libraries and the Hermeneutics of Digital Textuality: Panel Discussion: Part One."