Theses Bachelor's

Inconsistent Colors: The Role of Social Movement Organizations in Post-Color Revolution States

Hanenkrat, Kaley

Over the course of the last decade, Eastern Europe and Central Asia have experienced similar non-violent, pro-democratic social movements led by Social Movement Organizations. In contrast, though, post-social movement states are not equally democratic today. In this essay, I analyze where the SMOs that led three of the Color Revolutions, Kmara, Pora, and Otpor, changed the course of democratization in Georgia, Ukraine, and Serbia, respectively. From this analysis, I conclude that the decision of SMO activists to actively engage with the newly established democratic regime as both opposition and as following a social movement is more beneficial for democratization than passively challenging and more feasible than other means.

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Academic Units
Political Science (Barnard College)
Thesis Advisors
Giuliano, Elise
B.A., Barnard College
Published Here
December 13, 2011