2014 Data (Information)
RDA Plenary 4 Twitter Archive, September, 2014
This collection of Twitter data was harvested and deduplicated using version 5.1 of Martin Hawksey's Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet (TAGS v5.1), which is available from his blog (http://mashe.hawksey.info/2013/02/twitter-archive-tagsv5/). Tweets were harvested using the hashtag #RDAPlenary, which was associated with the Research Data Alliance Plenary 4 event held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on September 22-24, 2014. The earliest archived tweet is from September 21, 2014. The latest is from October 23, 2014.
RDAPlenary004_Twitter_Archive_2014-dedupd.csv text/comma-separated-values 2.57 MB Download File
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- January 30, 2015