Presentations (Communicative Events)

Strategies for Expanding e-Journal Preservation

Regan, Shannon L.

In 2012 the Keepers Registry compared the e-journal holdings from Columbia, Cornell, and Duke to seven preservation agencies and discovered that only 22-27% of titles were preserved. Influenced by the Keepers Registry study, Columbia and Cornell Universities (2CUL) secured funding for a project to specifically evaluate strategies for expanding e-journal preservation. The responsibility for and the initiative to preserve electronic journal content is neither clear nor easy, and knowing the preservation status of an e-journal is not currently a basic step within the NASIG Core Competencies for Electronic Resources Librarians life cycle of electronic resources management. This presentation will highlight the methods and strategies for expanding e-journal preservation developed as part of the Mellon Foundation supported project at 2CUL. A significant focus of the presentation will be on inspiring electronic resources librarians at a breadth of libraries and institutions to integrate these methods and strategies for preservation into the day-to-day workflow of electronic resource management. A wide range of e-journal categories are evaluated within the scope of the project including: content direct from publishers, small and society publishers, open access e-journals, full-text content in databases, and university generated e-journals. Attendees will learn techniques for identifying at risk e-journals, integrating preservation into license negotiation with publishers, tracking the preservation status of e-journals, and developing relationships with existing preservation agencies. The quality of future of scholarship and teaching hinges on the preservation of the scholarly record.



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More About This Work

Academic Units
Libraries and Information Services
Published Here
July 13, 2015


Presentation given at the 30th Annual NASIG Conference in Arlington, VA, May 28, 2015.