
A Flexible and Efficient Protocol for Multi-Scope Service Registry Replication

Zhao, Weibin; Schulzrinne, Henning G.

Service registries play an important role in service discovery systems by accepting service registrations and answering service queries; they can serve a wide range of purposes, such as membership services, lookup services, and search services. To provide fault tolerant, and enhance scalability, availability and performance, service registries often need to be replicated. In this paper, we present Swift (Selective anti-entropy WIth FasT update propagation), a flexible and efficient protocol for multi-scope service registry replication. As consistency is a less of concern compared with availability in service registry replication, we choose to build Swift on top of anti-entropy to support high availability replication. Swift makes two contributions as follows. First, it defines a more general and flexible form of anti-entropy called selective anti-entropy, which extends the applicability of anti-entropy from full replication to partial replication by selectively reconciling inconsistent states between two replicas, and improves anti-entropy efficiency by fine controlling update propagation within each subset. Selective anti-entropy is the first that we are aware of in using anti-entropy to support generic partial replication. Secondly, Swift integrates service registry overlay networks with selective anti-entropy. Different topologies, such as full mesh and spanning tree, can be used for constructing service registry overlay networks. These overlay networks are used to propagate new updates quickly so as to minimize inconsistency among replicas. We have implemented Swift for replicating multi-scope Directory Agents in the Service Location Protocol. Our experience shows that Swift is flexible, efficient, and lightweight.



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Academic Units
Computer Science
Department of Computer Science, Columbia University
Columbia University Computer Science Technical Reports, CUCS-016-02
Published Here
April 21, 2011