Theses Master's

Design and Planning of Commercial Streets with Cultural Attraction Theme

Li, Qihan

As a major attraction of tourism and recreation, commercial streets are common gathering places in urban life, offering a constellation of goods, sightseeing and entertainment. According to McKinsey team, history, unique of landscape and business models are key elements that influence the formation of commercial streets. In this paper, I will develop two case studies about Wangfujing Street and Qianmen Dajie Street in Beijing to further demonstrate the importance of those elements. Around those key elements, historical features will be my research focus for the uniqueness of Beijing as an ancient capital of China. Based on the data collected from my case studies, I intend to show that historical features are one of the most influential elements in the formation of a commercial street in Beijing. I also argue that the lack of historic preservation may hamper the development of an already crowded commercial street in the long run.

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More About This Work

Academic Units
Urban Planning
M.S., Columbia University
Published Here
October 23, 2015