
An Abrupt Drowning of the Black Sea Shelf at 7.5 KYR BP

Ryan, William B. F.; Major, Candace O.; Pitman, William C.; Shimkus, Kazimieras S.; Moscalenko, Vladimir; Jones, Glenn A.; Dimitrov, Petko; Saking, Mehhmet; Seyir, Huseyin Yuce

During latest Quaternary glaciation, the Black Sea became a giant freshwater lake. The surface of this lake drew down to levels more than 100m below its outlet. When the Mediterranean rose to the Bosporus sill at 7.5 kyr BP, saltwater poured through this spillway to refill the and submerge in less than a year, more than 100,000km2 of its exposed continental shelf.

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Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Published Here
December 5, 2011