Presentations (Communicative Events)

Timeline of NYC OEM Emergency Incidents and Technology Advances since 2001

Whysel, Noreen Y.

Timeline of technology advances at the NYC Office of Emergency Management. Period One - Pre-9/11: Characterized by the establishment of the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management, the beginnings of a central GIS unit, release of a common NYC Basemap and the first mobile command vehicle. Control of data and systems still largely held by individual agencies. Period Two - 2001-2005: Characterized by development of information systems to support interagency cooperation and response management. As of 2001, OEM is established as a City Department. New systems introduced include CALMS: Citywide Asset and Logistics Management System; UVIS: Unified Victim Identification System (call center, missing persons and family assistance modules) and CIMS: Citywide Incident Management System. Mobile Data Center, a custom-built bus for GIS and data collection operations introduced. Beginning of improved public initiatives, including publication of Ready NY Guides, pilot of CERT program (Community Emergency Response Team volunteer training), and the introduction of the 311 call center. Period Three – 2006-2008: Characterized by continued integration and interoperability of information systems across agencies. OEM Headquarters Opens at 165 Cadman Plaza, providing a state of the art Watch Command center and Emergency Operations Center. A Continuity of Operations planning guide standardized the planning process for City agencies to restore and maintain essential public services in the event of an emergency. An Interagency Command Vehicle was introduced, providing an onsite mobile operations unit that is smaller and more maneuverable than the larger command vehicles. The NYCityMap website launched publicly, along with additional editions of the Ready NY guides and specialized tools like the Hurricane Evacuation Zone Finder replaced EMOLS, which had previously only been activated in an emergency. Period Four – 2009-2011: Characterized by improved training and simulation software, and open public initiatives. The CIMS Mobile Coordination Center (MCC) was introduced, to serve as a mobile field office for City agencies and other emergency officials/personnel responding to a large disaster. When fully expanded, the MCC can accommodate a meeting of 40 people, or provide 20 work stations equipped with phones, computers, and internet service. NYCWiN-NYC Wireless Network and IVS - Interoperable Video Management System were introduced, allowing access to data and incident-based video feeds by mobile response units. Notify NYC and 311 Online, social media channels allowing the public to receive notices, submit inquiries and report incidents, were introduced.


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December 27, 2013


Poster originally prepared for the NYC GeoSymposium 2001-2011-2021, held at the NYC Technology in Government Conference, Brooklyn, NY, November 16, 2011, outlining periods of technology advances and emergency response incidents since 2001. This revised version was presented again at the 2012 Information Architecture Summit poster session in New Orleans, LA.