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Video for the cases A9 to A12 for a still observer

Chatzis, Emmanouil; Smyth, Andrew W.

Motion of the body for a still observer for the scenarios A9, A10, A11 and A12 described in Example 1 of the paper. The wheels are numbered from 1 to 4 clockwise, with wheel 1 being the wheel closest to the camera. Wheels 3 and 4 cannot swivel in all scenarios. If activating the brake on a wheel or not is signified by 1 and 0 respectively the scenarios A9 to A12 are described as: A9=[1,0,1,1], A10=[0,1,0,0], A11=[0,1,1,0], A12=[0,1,0,1].


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Academic Units
Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Published Here
November 9, 2011


These videos are part of the paper "The 3D Dynamics of a Rigid Body with Wheels on a Moving Base" of M. N. Chatzis and A. W. Smyth, submitted to the Journal of Engineering Mechanics. The videos show the response of a body on wheels, described in Example 1 of the paper, when subjected to the Takatori earthquake record from the Kobe 1995 earthquake. The two wheels in the +z direction are connected to the body with a link that doesn‘t allow them to swivel, while the two wheels in the ““z direction are free to swivel. Moreover, the effect of locking the planar rotation of some of the wheels, by activating the corresponding brake is examined. Each video contains four of the sixteen possible combinations that occur from activating or not the brake in a wheel. Finally the videos are presented both from the point of view of an observer that moves with the ground (titled as relative videos) and from the point of view of a still observer, resulting in eight videos in total.