
CODACT: Towards Identifying Orthographic Variants in Dialectal Arabic

Dasigi, Pradeep; Diab, Mona

Dialectal Arabic (DA) is the spoken vernacular for over 300M people worldwide. DA is emerging as the form of Arabic written in online communication: chats, emails, blogs, etc. However, most existing NLP tools for Arabic are designed for processing Modern Standard Arabic, a variety that is more formal and scripted. Apart from the genre variation that is a hindrance for any language processing, even in English, DA has no orthographic standard, compared to MSA that has a standard orthography and script. Accordingly, a word may be written in many possible inconsistent spellings rendering the processing of DA very challenging. To solve this problem, such inconsistencies have to be normalized. This work is the first step towards addressing this problem, as we attempt to identify spelling variants in a given textual document. We present an unsupervised clustering approach that addresses the problem of identifying orthographic variants in DA. We employ different similarity measures that exploit string similarity and contextual semantic similarity. To our knowledge this is the first attempt at solving the problem for DA. Our approaches are tested on data in two dialects of Arabic - Egyptian and Levantine. Our system achieves the highest Entropy of 0.19 for Egyptian (corresponding to 68% cluster precision) and Levantine (corresponding to 64% cluster precision) respectively. This constitutes a significant reduction in entropy (from 0.47 for Egyptian and 0.51 for Levantine) and improvement in cluster precision (from 29% for both) from the baseline.



Also Published In

Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing

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Academic Units
Computer Science
Published Here
October 3, 2013