Presentations (Communicative Events)

Partnering with Researchers to Share New Knowledge Through Digital Technologies

Kennison, Rebecca R.

Major changes in scholarly workflows, due primarily to advances in communications technologies, require a reevaluation and revision of the relationship of libraries to scholarly activities. Librarians and other library staff are assisting scholars not only by locating information resources for their research, but by helping them to use, manipulate, and share information and the products of their research as broadly as possible. Furthermore, as the use of technology expands throughout research processes, faculty need new tools to support their research. Increasingly the university library’s mission is to support scholarly communication in all its forms and to develop a range of scalable and sustainable services in support of research and publishing. My talk discusses this changing library role and provide examples of research support from Columbia's Center for Digital Research and Scholarship.


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More About This Work

Academic Units
Libraries and Information Services
Published Here
November 17, 2010


Presented at the Society for Scholarly Publishing-Association of Research Libraries seminar, "Partnering to Publish: Innovative Roles for Societies, Institutions, Presses, and Libraries," Washington, D.C., November 10, 2010.