
Using a Model Checker to Determine Worst-case Execution Time

Kim, Sungjun; Patel, Hiren D.; Edwards, Stephen A.

Hard real-time systems use worst-case execution time (WCET) estimates to ensure that timing requirements are met. The typical approach for obtaining WCET estimates is to employ static program analysis methods. While these approaches provide WCET bounds, they struggle to analyze programs with loops whose iteration counts depend on input data. Such programs mandate user-guided annotations. We propose a hybrid approach by augmenting static program analysis with model-checking to analyze such programs and derive the loop bounds automatically. In addition, we use model-checking to guarantee repeatable timing behaviors from segments of program code. Our target platform is a precision timed architecture: a SPARC-based architecture promising predictable and repeatable timing behaviors. We use CBMC and illustrate our approach on Euclidean greatest common divisor algorithm (for WCET analysis) and a VGA controller (for repeatable timing validation).



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Academic Units
Computer Science
Department of Computer Science, Columbia University
Columbia University Computer Science Technical Reports, CUCS-038-09
Published Here
July 16, 2010