Conference Objects

Objective Quantification of Perfusion-Weighted Computed Tomography in the Setting of Acute Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Imielinska, Celina Z.; Liu, Xin; Sughrue, Michael E.; Kelly, Sean; Hagiwara, Eugene; Connolly Jr., E. Sander; D'Ambrosio, Anthony Louis

Perfusion-Weighted Computed Tomography (CTP) is a relatively recent innovation that estimates a value for cerebral blood flow (CBF) using a series of axial head CT images which tracks the time course of signal from an administered bolus of intravenous contrast. We introduce a novel computer-based method for objective quantification of CBF values calculated from CTP images. Our method corrects for the inherent variability of the CTP methodology seen in the subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) patient population to potentially aid in the diagnosis of cerebral vasospasm (CVS). This method analyzes and quantifies side-to-side asymmetry of CBF and represents relative differences in a construct termed a Relative Difference Map (RDM). Herein, we present our preliminary results that show that analysis of histograms of the RDM in left and right hemispheres, as well as different vascular territories of the brain, can be used for detection and diagnosis of cerebral vasospasm in patients with SAH. While this method has been designed specifically to analyze post-processed CTP images, it could be potentially applied to quantification and analysis of MR perfusion data, as well.


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Also Published In

CARS 2004. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress and Exhibition

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Academic Units
Biomedical Informatics
Computer Science
Neurological Surgery
Published Here
September 24, 2014