
Paleomagnetic Results from the Cretaceous Dumisseau Formation of Haiti

Kent, Dennis V.; Maurrasse, Florentin J-M. R.

Paleomagnetic studies of basalts and sediments from the Dumisseau Formation show that: 1) The basalt magnetizations are characterized by very low coercivlty components. The sediments have generally higher but more variable stabilities against alternating field (AF) treatment compared to the basalts. The 200 oe AF mean directions for the Dumlsseau basalt and sediment sites tend to fall near the present geomagnetic dipole field direction corresponding to the Latitude of Haiti. It is suggested that these rocks carry predominantly secondary magnetization of recent origin and there is little evidence for the preservation of remanent magnetization which may correspond to the time of formation of the rock units in the Late Cretaceous. 2) The remanent magnetic properties of the basalts, particularly those from the upper part of the formation in the Dumisseau area, are very similar to those reported for basalts recovered in the Caribbean DSDP Leg 15, Sites 146, 150, 151, 152 and 153, suggesting also similarities in their petrotectonic origin.

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Also Published In

Présentations, transactions du 1er Colloque sur la géologie d'Haïti, Port-au-Prince, 27-29 mars 1980
Impr. Le Natal

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Academic Units
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Biology and Paleo Environment
Published Here
January 30, 2012