
Michael Cummings - ART CART Oral Histories

Cummings, Michael; Dawson, Sophia; Teitcher, Arielle; Research Center for Arts and Culture

Michael Cummings [1945-] is a quilter who began quilting while working a 9-to-5 job. Once he retired, Cummings began quilting full-time. In this interview, he outlines his schedule while working and after retirement. He also describes his quilting and the various pieces and series he has created and is still working on. Many of his pieces have political themes, such as the Civil Rights and Obama series. Another series he describes is the Jazz series. He also expresses his excitement about participating in shows and being a part of ArtCart.


More About This Work

Academic Units
Research Center for Arts and Culture
Art Cart Collection
Published Here
January 29, 2014


This zip archive contains audio files of an oral history interview and a text file describing themes addressed in the interview. For more information about the ART CART project, please visit their website: