
The penetration of reovirus RNA and initiation of its genetic function in L-strain fibroblasts

Silverstein, Samuel C.; Dales, Samuel

Reovirus type 3 is phagocytized by L cells and rapidly sequestered inside lysosomes. Hydrolases within these organelles are capable of stripping the viral coat proteins, but they fail to degrade the double-stranded RNA genome. These observations support the view that sojourn of reovirus in lysosomes, when the lytic enzymes uncoat its genome, is an obligatory step in the sequence of infection. Although the mechanism for transferring the uncoated RNA out of lysosomes remains to be elucidated, evidence is presented suggesting that progeny genomes are bound to site(s) possessing the fine structure of viral inclusions or factories. It appears that both the synthesis of single- and double-stranded viral RNA and the morphogenesis of progeny virus particles occur in such factories.


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Journal of Cell Biology

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Academic Units
Physiology and Cellular Biophysics
The Rockefeller University Press
Published Here
January 19, 2016