2015 Reports
Humanities Commons Open Repository Exchange
The Modern Language Association (MLA) and the Columbia University Libraries / Information Services' Center for Digital Research and Scholarship (CDRS) have been working together on a prototyped user interface that connects a library-quality repository system (Humanities Commons Open Repository Exchange, or CORE, modeled on Columbia's Academic Commons) with MLA Commons, an academic social networking platform that enables MLA members to communicate, collaborate, and share their work with one another. The CORE interface allows Commons members to upload, share, discover, retrieve, and archive digital work and other objects in an existing collaboratory network. This white paper describes the team's progress and setbacks over the grant period.
- core-white-paper.pdf application/pdf 467 KB Download File
More About This Work
- Academic Units
- Libraries and Information Services
- Libraries
- Published Here
- September 8, 2015