
High-Speed imaging of the plasma response to resonant magnetic perturbations in HBT-EP

Angelini, Sarah M.; Levesque, Jeffrey; Mauel, Michael E.; Navratil, Gerald

A Phantom v7.3 fast digital camera was used to study visible light fluctuations in the High Beta Tokamak–Extended Pulse (HBT–EP). This video data is the first to be used to analyze and understand the behavior of long wavelength kink perturbations in a wall-stabilized tokamak. The light was mostly comprised of Dα 656 nm light. Profiles of the plasma light at the midplane were hollow with a radial scale length of approximately 4 cm at the plasma edge. The fast camera was also used to measure the plasma's response to applied helical magnetic perturbations. The programmed toroidal phase angle of the resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) was directly inferred from the resulting images of the plasma response. The plasma response and the intensity of the RMP were compared under different conditions. The resulting amplitude correlations are consistent with previous measurements of the static response using an array of magnetic sensors.


Also Published In

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

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Academic Units
Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics
IOP Publishing
Published Here
November 15, 2016


Corrections were made to this article on 18 March 2015. The link in reference 23 was corrected.