2011 Essays
An End to One-Sided Class Warfare
Republicans and other right wingers are not troubled by class warfare in the abstract, otherwise they would have said something during the last three decades when the political and financial leadership of the U.S., with the close support of the Republican, and too frequently, Democratic parties, have waged class warfare on the poor on behalf of the wealthy. Deregulation, cutting social programs and increasingly regressive tax structures have all been part of an effort to shift wealth from the poor and middle class to the wealthy. This kind of class warfare has been met with no concern at all from the right. When Republicans get upset about class warfare, what they are really angry about is that poor and working people are fighting back. That may be beginning now on Wall Street and elsewhere.
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- Huffington Post
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lincoln-mitchell/an-end-to-one-sided-class_b_1016301.html
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- Academic Units
- Harriman Institute
- Published Here
- December 13, 2011