
An End to the War of the Woods!

Meacham, Brad

"To the majority of America this [Tree-Lined U.S. Highway 101 in Washington State] is very far away indeed. Wood products are taken for granted. No one thinks about where they come from. Outside the spotlight, this area suffered as the forests thinned and there were fewer and fewer trees to cut. For years, the balance between preserving the livelihoods of the human inhabitants and protecting the natural integrity of the region was a quiet political contest waged in Washington D.C. and in the board rooms of the forest products industry.
No more. With the widely publicized spotted owl controversy and the ascendance of an avowedly environmentally-minded Presidential team, the region is finally on the nation's front burner."--from page 6


Also Published In

The Journal of Politics and Society

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Academic Units
Helvidius Group
Helvidius Group of Columbia University
Published Here
February 12, 2014