Theses Doctoral

Partial differential equations and variational approaches to constant scalar curvature metrics in Kähler geometry

Rubin, Daniel Ilan

In this thesis we investigate two approaches to the problem of existence of metrics of constant scalar curvature in a fixed Kähler class.

In the first part, we examine the equation for constant scalar curvature under the assumption of toric symmetry, thus reducing the problem to a fourth order nonlinear degenerate elliptic equation for a convex function defined in a polytope in ℝⁿ. We obtain partial results on this equation using an associated Monge-Ampère equation to determine the boundary behavior of the solution.

In the second part, we consider the asymptotics of certain energy functionals and their relation to stability and the existence of minimizers. We derive explicit formulas for their asymptotic slopes, which allows one to determine whether or not (X,L) is stable, and in some cases rule out the existence of a canonical metric.


  • thumnail for Rubin_columbia_0054D_12617.pdf Rubin_columbia_0054D_12617.pdf application/pdf 496 KB Download File

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Academic Units
Thesis Advisors
Phong, Duong Hong
Ph.D., Columbia University
Published Here
April 23, 2015