Presentations (Communicative Events)

Domain -independent detection, extraction, and labeling of Atomic Events

Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios; Filatova, Elena

The notion of an “event ” has been widely used in the computational linguistics literature as well as in information retrieval and various NLP applications, although with significant variance in what exactly an event is. We describe an empirical study aimed at developing an operational definition of an event at the atomic (sentence or predicate) level, and use our observations to create a system for detecting and prioritizing the atomic events described in a collection of texts. We report results from testing our system on several sets of related texts, including human assessments of the system’s output and a comparison with information extraction techniques. We discuss how event detection at this level can be used for indexing, summarization, and question-answering.


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Academic Units
Computer Science
Proceedings of the RANLP Conference
Published Here
May 17, 2013