
Bibliographie hispanique, 1905 et 1906

Wagner , C. P.

Thus the anonymous compiler sets forth the scope of these modest volumes, which appeared, bearing no date of issue, in 1909. The volume for 1905 contains 1339 titles alphabetically arranged, and numbered. The volume for 1906 contains 1602 titles, and an appendix with 473 additions to the bibliography of 1905, including reviews of works already enumerated. Haute vulgarisation is not interpreted too rigidly, and l'histoire is allowed most generously to include Art, Education, Ex-Libris, Folk-Lore, Geography, Philosophy, Travel, etc. Over 275 periodicals have been analyzed for the year 1905 alone.

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Romanic Review

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French and Romance Philology
Columbia University Press
Published Here
July 31, 2015


Source: / Bibliothèque nationale de France