
Normative Data for a Brief Neuropsychological Battery Administered to English- and Spanish-Speaking Community-Dwelling Elders

Stricks, Laurie; Pittman, John; Jacobs, Diane; Sano, Mary; Stern, Yaakov

The use of neuropsychological tests in non-English-speaking populations and among those with less education has been limited because most tests have been standardized for English-speaking populations with relatively high levels of education. In effort to establish norms, a battery of neuropsychological tests was administered, in either English or Spanish, to 995 normal elders with a wide range of educational attainment, residing in the community of Washington Heights–Inwood in northern Manhattan. Results indicate that age, education, and language all influence test performance and should be considered when evaluating neuropsychological measures.


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Also Published In

Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society

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Published Here
February 23, 2018