
Race and Income Disparity: An Ideology-Neutral Approach To Reconciling Capitalism And Economic Justice

Hardaway, Robert

Income and wealth disparities along racial lines in the United States constitute a continuing threat to the political and democratic stability upon which the economy and government of the United States fundamentally depends. The quest for solutions to these economic disparities has thus far been frustrated by ideological battles between political groups and coalitions. In particular, ideological preconceptions have prevented these groups from listening to the ideas and proposals of opposing groups and working together to find real solutions to the problem of income disparities that actually work. Instead, they have created policies which, while fitting within a preconceived ideological framework, may exacerbate the problems sought to be addressed, and in many cases cause both unintended and undesired consequences. The fault for society’s failure to adequately address income disparity along racial lines does not lie exclusively with any one political group or party. Both liberals and conservatives have permitted ideology to cloud their search for meaningful solutions. If these solutions are to be found, conservatives must discard ideological preconceptions in such areas as abortion rights, family planning, and drug policy; liberals must likewise discard ideology in their approach to tax policy, immigration, housing, and education. Both conservatives and liberals must discard ideological preconceptions and abandon politically seductive, but ultimately demagogic and self-defeating policies relating to international trade, and residential exclusionary policies, particularly in the areas of zoning.


Also Published In

Columbia Journal of Race and Law

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Published Here
March 13, 2015