
New Discoveries in Galaxies across Cosmic Time through Advances in Laboratory Astrophysics

Brickhouse, Nancy; Cowan, John; Drake, Paul; Federman, Steven; Ferland, Gary; Frank, Adam; Herbst, Eric; Olive, Keith; Salama, Farid; Savin, Daniel Wolf; Ziurys, Lucy

As the Galaxies across Cosmic Time (GCT) panel is fully aware, the next decade will see major advances in our understanding of these areas of research. To quote from their charge, these advances will occur in studies of the formation, evolution, and global properties of galaxies and galaxy clusters, as well as active galactic nuclei and QSOs, mergers, star formation rate, gas accretion, and supermassive black holes. Central to the progress in these areas are the corresponding advances in laboratory astrophysics that are required for fully realizing the GCT scientific opportunities within the decade 2010-2020. Laboratory astrophysics comprises both theoretical and experimental studies of the underlying physics that produce the observed astrophysical processes. The 5 areas of laboratory astrophysics that we have identified as relevant to the CFP panel are atomic, molecular, solid matter, plasma, nuclear, and particle physics. In this white paper, we describe in Section 2 some of the new scientific opportunities and compelling scientific themes that will be enabled by advances in laboratory astrophysics. In Section 3, we provide the scientific context for these opportunities. Section 4 briefly discusses some of the experimental and theoretical advances in laboratory astrophysics required to realize the GCT scientific opportunities of the next decade. As requested in the Call for White Papers, Section 5 presents four central questions and one area with unusual discovery potential. Lastly, we give a short postlude in Section 6.


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Academic Units
Astrophysics Laboratory
Published Here
May 5, 2017


White paper submitted by the AAS Working Group on Laboratory Astrophysics (WGLA) to the Galaxies across Cosmit Time (GCT) Science Frontiers Panel (SFP) of the Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey (Astro2010)