2009 Essays
Obama's Unconvincing Argument That Afghanistan Is Not Vietnam
Comparisons between the wars in Afghanistan and Vietnam have grown stronger in recent weeks. While this concern has been raised, often with the buzzword quagmire, about every conflict since the end of the U.S. effort in Vietnam, it is not without reason that this is mentioned with regards to Afghanistan. It is hard to ignore the similarities between the two conflicts. In both cases, the U.S. got involved in a war far away for which there was no easily foreseeable resolution. Obama, like another Democratic president more than four decades ago, was convinced, to some extent by his own generals, that more troops would make the difference and drew the U.S. further into the conflict. The Vietnam War destroyed Johnson’s presidency and overshadowed some of his impressive accomplishments on domestic issues. Critics of the war in Afghanistan, many of whom are supporters of the current president, do not want to see the same thing happen to Obama.
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- Faster Times
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- TheFasterTimes.com
- http://www.thefastertimes.com/foreignpolicy/2009/12/03/obamas-unconvincing-argument-that-afghanistan-is-not-vietnam/
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- Harriman Institute
- Published Here
- September 29, 2011