Chapters (Layout Features)

City Knights: Urban Networking and City Life in Late Medieval Iberia

Rodriguez-Velasco, Jesus D.

Civil uprisings, urban networking, and civil life, no matter how contemporary it is, must also be historicized. The genealogy of current international issues of global nature raises also the question of how and by what means city life and urban networking became a crucial element for the opposition of central powers, and why collective practices of power where thus devised in order to fight against monarchical and oligarchical models. Historicizing the uprisings also means to investigate into the procedures whereby urban networking and city life established lists and programs of concrete requests and structures of control that were put forth for negotiation in legally constituted assemblies. Historicizing is definitely a way to understand the process whereby a society is created by means of processes of association and assembling or re-assembling, giving us, thus, a better understanding of social movements in general (Latour 2005). Medieval chivalry. Medieval bourgeois organizations. Fraternities. Brotherhoods.

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La construcció d´identitats imaginades. Literatura medieval i ideologia

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Academic Units
Latin American and Iberian Cultures
Verum et pulchrum medium aevum, 10
Published Here
March 1, 2016