
Aurora Suite for Solo 'Cello (6. Éveil ~ Awakening)

Elia, Anthony J.

This work is a suite for solo 'cello written for colleagues and friends of the composer (Aurore Cartier and Mathieu Barbin) in April 2013. Mr. Barbin is an accomplished 'cellist, who performs regularly in Europe and NYC. The 8-parts of this work reflect aspects of morning (playing on the word "Aurore" in French) and include:
1. Aube ~Daybreak
2. Naissance ~ Emergent Morning
3. Aurore ~ Aurora
4. Lever du soliel ~ Sunrise
5. Pluie du Matin ~ Morning Rain
6. Éveil ~ Awakening
7. Nuages ~ Clouds and
8. Les rayons du soleil ~ Sun rays



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More About This Work

Academic Units
Burke Library
Published Here
May 6, 2013