Conference Objects

Sharing Synchronous Strategies for Interactive Live Virtual Class Sessions that Engage the Whole Class

Marquart, Matthea S.; Ortega, Amelia

Handout from a roundtable session at the Social Work Distance Education Conference 2016, Indianapolis, IN. Session description: For experienced online instructors, this roundtable discussion will give participants a chance to share activities and strategies that have worked for them during synchronous, live virtual class sessions. For both new and experienced instructors, this session will give participants a chance to learn concrete activities and strategies that are working in other virtual classrooms. All levels of participants will walk away with something new for their virtual instruction toolkit. This handout references the following book chapter: Marquart, M., Fleming, M., Rosenthal, S., & Hibbert, M. (2016, April). Instructional Strategies for Synchronous Components of Online Courses. In S. D’Agustino (Ed.), Creating Teacher Immediacy in Online Learning Environments. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Thank you to the chapter co-authors Michael Fleming, Samuel A. Rosenthal, and Melanie Hibbert, as well as the following instructors whose chapter quotes are excerpted on this handout: John Robertson, Katrina Pugh, Mashura Akilova, Basil Rabinowitz, Lauri Harrison, Rebecca Shaffer, Mario A. Gonzalez-Corzo, and Karl Rutter.


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April 28, 2016