Theses Master's

The Mirror Up to Nature: A Theatrical Experiment in the Dramaturgy
of Gender

Bachrach, Hailey

Are male and female characters really created equal? Or is there baggage attached to these ideas that a dramaturg needs to be alert to, and prepared to question and compensate for? These questions are especially interesting in light of what seems to be the theatre buzzword of the season: parity. Specifically, the question of gender parity onstage, backstage, in the office, and basically everywhere else in the theatre, where women are chronically underrepresented. A goal of this project is to begin a conversation about questions of gender representation to complement those being undertaken in other media.


  • thumnail for Hailey_Bachrach_Thesis.pdf Hailey_Bachrach_Thesis.pdf application/pdf 261 KB Download File

More About This Work

Academic Units
M.F.A., Columbia University
Published Here
September 30, 2015