
PRL-3 overexpression in epithelial cells is induced by surrounding stromal fibroblasts

Molleví, David; Aytes, Alvaro; Berdiel, Mireia; Padullés, Laura; Martínez-Iniesta, Maria; Sanjuan, Xavier; Salazar, Ramon; Villanueva, Alberto

We isolate and culture carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) from primary tumour (CAFpt), CAFs from corresponding synchronous liver metastasis (CAFlm) as well as normal colonic fibroblasts (NCF) from the same patient. From these cultures, conditioned media (CM) was obtained. Culture of a wide panel of colorectal and pancreatic cell lines in CM from CAFlm resulted
in overexpression of mRNA PRL-3 and higher overexpression in CAFs than in non-activated fibroblasts. Moreover PRL-3 mRNA expression correlates with expression of α-SMA and deposition of collagen fibrils in the stroma. We demonstrate that products secreted by CAFs trigger PRL-3 overexpression in cancer cells. Identification of these factors may contribute to new stroma-targeted therapies for desmoplastic tumours.


Also Published In

Molecular Cancer

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Published Here
September 9, 2014