
Blurring of Light Due to Multiple Scattering by the Medium: A Path Integral Approach

Ashikhmin, Michael; Premoze, Simon; Ramamoorthi, Ravi; Nayar, Shree K.

Volumetric light transport effects are significant for many materials like skin, smoke, clouds or water. In particular, one must consider the multiple scattering of light within the volume. Recently, we presented a path integral-based approach to this problem which identifies the most probable path light takes in the medium and approximates energy transport over all paths by only those surrounding this most probable one. In this report we use the same approach to derive useful expressions for the amount of spacial and angular blurring light experiences as it travels through a medium.



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Academic Units
Computer Science
Department of Computer Science, Columbia University
Columbia University Computer Science Technical Reports, CUCS-017-04
Published Here
April 26, 2011