
Developing Fiscal Analyses and Children's Budgets to Support ECCS

Johnson, Kay

This Project THRIVE Short Take offers state Early Childhood Comprehensive System (ECCS) initiatives practical advice on conducting fiscal scans and creating early childhood budgets. Fiscal analysis and planning are essential for building a state or community fiscal infrastructure to support and sustain early childhood comprehensive system plans. Says one state ECCS coordinator, "ECCS initiatives must achieve a deep understanding of the budget in order to influence the policy decisions that impact young children. A cross-system plan without a cross-system budget is difficult to implement." Using a "how to" approach, this document offers exemplary approaches, tables, and tools. It builds on program-by-program background information from NCCP's Spending Smarter report, as well as information from a recent report published by the Forum for Youth Investment and the Finance Project. It also highlights state and local experience in fiscal analysis.

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Academic Units
National Center for Children in Poverty
National Center for Children in Poverty, Columbia University
Project Thrive Publications
Published Here
July 6, 2010