2007 Reports
First Year Students and the Assessment of Information Literacy at Barnard
First year students arrive at Barnard generally very comfortable in front of a computer, able to use the web to satisfy their interest in popular culture, the arts or politics, and skilled at using websites like Facebook and YouTube to find information about people, movies or music. However, we in the library soon discover that many are at sea in dealing with scholarly information. In particular, they are often unclear as to how to distinguish between articles and books that are scholarly and those that may be well-written and seem authoritative, but are not scholarly. In addition, they have many questions about what constitutes plagiarism; they know that they must not do it, but they are often unclear as to exactly what it is. These, then, are some of the information literacy issues we are trying to deal with in our teaching of first year students at Barnard Library.
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More About This Work
- Academic Units
- Barnard Library and Academic Information Services
- Published Here
- September 6, 2011