Data (Information)

Storage ring cross section measurements for electron impact ionization of Fe⁸⁺: Data

Hahn, Michael; Becker, A.; Bernhardt, D.; Grieser, M.; Krantz, C.; Lestinsky, M.; Muller, A.; Novotny, Oldrich; Pindzola, M. S.; Repnow, R.; Schippers, S.; Spruck, K.; Wolf, A.; Savin, Daniel Wolf

We have measured electron impact ionization (EII) for Fe⁸⁺ forming Fe⁹⁺ from below the ionization threshold to 1200 eV. These measurements were carried out at the TSR heavy ion storage ring. The objective of using a storage ring is to store the ion beam initially so that metastable levels decay, thereby allowing for measurements on a well-defined ground-level ion beam. In this case, however, some metastable levels were too long lived to be removed. We discuss several methods for quantifying the metastable fraction, which we estimate to be ~30%–40%. Although metastables remain problematic, the present storage ring work improves upon other experimental geometries by limiting the metastable contamination to only a few long-lived excited levels. We discuss some future prospects for obtaining improved measurements of Fe⁸⁺ and other ions with long-lived metastable levels.

In the attached file, the first column is collision energy in eV, the second column is cross section in cm^-2, and the last column gives the statistical uncertainty.


More About This Work

Academic Units
Astrophysics Laboratory
Published Here
July 9, 2018


Corresponding publication: Storage Ring Cross Section Measurements for Electron Impact Ionization of Fe⁸⁺. M. Hahn, A. Becker, D. Berhnhardt, M. Grieser, C. Krantz, M. Lestinsky, A. Müller, O. Novotný, M.S. Pindzola, R. Repnow, S. Schippers, K. Spruck, A. Wolf, and D. W. Savin. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 49, 8 (2016). View in Academic Commons at