
The Design and Implementation of Elastic Quotas: A System for Flexible File System Management

Leonard, Ozgur Can; Nieh, Jason; Zadok, Erez; Shater, Ariye; Osborn, Jeffrey; Wright, Charles P.

We introduce elastic quotas, a disk space management technique that makes disk space an elastic resource like CPU and memory. Elastic quotas allow all users to use unlimited amounts of available disk space while still providing system administrators the ability to control how the disk space is allocated among users. Elastic quotas maintain existing persistent file semantics while supporting user-controlled policies for removing files when the file system becomes too full. We have implemented an elastic quota system in Solaris and measured its performance. The system is simple to implement, requires no kernel modifications, and is compatible with existing disk space management methods. Our results show that elastic quotas are an effective, low-overhead solution for flexible file system management.



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Academic Units
Computer Science
Department of Computer Science, Columbia University
Columbia University Computer Science Technical Reports, CUCS-014-02
Published Here
April 21, 2011