2012 Theses Doctoral
Multimode Structure of Resistive Wall Modes near the Ideal Wall Stability Limit
This thesis presents the first systematic study of multimode external kink structure and dynamics in a tokamak using a high-resolution magnetic sensor set. Multimode effects are directly measured, rather than inferred from anomalies in single-mode behavior. In order to accomplish this, an extensive set of 216 poloidal and radial magnetic field sensors has been installed in the High Beta Tokamak -- Extended Pulse (HBT-EP) device for high-resolution measurements of three-dimensional mode activity. An analysis technique known as biorthogonal decomposition (BD) is described, and simulations are presented to justify its use for studying kink mode dynamics in HBT-EP data. Coherent activity of multiple simultaneous modes is observed using the BD without needing to define a mode structure basis beforehand. Poloidal mode numbers up to m=8 are observed via sensor arrays with full 360 degree coverage. Higher poloidal mode numbers are suggested by the data, but cannot be well-resolved with the available diagnostics. Toroidal mode numbers up to n=4 are observed. Non-rigid, multimode activity is observed for coexisting external kinks having m/n=3/1 and 6/2 structures.
Despite sharing the same helicity and same resonant surface, rotation of 6/2 modes is independent of 3/1 mode rotation -- the n=2 mode does not simply rotate with double the frequency of the n=1 mode. During periods of 3/1-dominated activity, the 6/2 mode is observed to modulate the 3/1 amplitude, and in brief instances can overpower the 3/1. Statistical analysis over many shots reveals the multimode nature of the 3/1 kink to be more significant when the resonant q=3 surface begins internal, then is ejected from the plasma. This inference is based on the relative amplitudes of secondary modes during 3/1-dominated activity, as well as spectral content of the modes. Conformal conducting wall segments were also retracted away from the plasma surface using low-order poloidal and toroidal asymmetries to excite measurable differences in low m- and n-number modes. Kink mode amplitudes increase as the wall segments are withdrawn, and non-symmetric wall configurations modulate the amplitude and frequency of the rotating modes depending upon their toroidal orientation with respect to the non-symmetric wall. Modulations of mode amplitude and rotation are larger for the toroidal wall asymmetry than for the poloidal wall asymmetry.
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More About This Work
- Academic Units
- Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics
- Thesis Advisors
- Mauel, Michael E.
- Degree
- Ph.D., Columbia University
- Published Here
- July 20, 2012