
Computational thermo-hydro-mechanics for multiphase freezing and thawing porous media in the finite deformation range

Na, SeonHong; Sun, WaiChing

A stabilized thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) finite element model is introduced to investigate the freeze–thaw action of frozen porous media in the finite deformation range. By applying the mixture theory, frozen soil is idealized as a composite consisting of three phases, i.e., solid grain, unfrozen water and ice crystal. A generalized hardening rule at finite strain is adopted to replicate how the elasto-plastic responses and critical state evolve under the influence of phase transitions and heat transfer. The enhanced particle interlocking and ice strengthening during the freezing processes and the thawing-induced consolidation at the geometrical nonlinear regimes are both replicated in numerical examples. The numerical issues due to lack of two-fold inf–sup condition and ill-conditioning of the system of equations are addressed. Numerical examples for engineering applications at cold region are analyzed via the proposed model to predict the impacts of changing climate on infrastructure at cold regions.


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Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

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Academic Units
Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Published Here
March 8, 2017