
Distinguishing dynamic and static yield stress of fresh cement mortars through thixotropy

Qian, Ye; Kawashima, Shiho

The dynamic and static yield stress of fresh cement mortar were measured in a rotational rheometer with a vane geometry using shear rate and shear stress-controlled protocols, respectively. Through a shear rate-controlled steady-state protocol, the equilibrium flow curve is measured and fitted with the Bingham model to obtain dynamic yield stress. A negative slope in the equilibrium flow curve, shear banding and stick-slip phenomena are observed and discussed. Through a stress-controlled creep-recovery protocol, viscosity bifurcation behavior is captured and static yield stress is marked as the creep stress when the bifurcation occurs. Finally, the discrepancy between dynamic and static yield stress is tied to thixotropy.


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Cement and Concrete Composites

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Academic Units
Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Published Here
January 8, 2018