
Market Access: Estimating the Potential Costs and Gains from the Liberalisation of Trade and Factor Flows

Charlton, Andrew H.

If the development focus of the Doha Round is to be a meaningful operating principle, then the overriding task of the Round must be to ensure that the liberalisation agreements promote development in poor countries.This note attempts to support that task by reviewing the potential benefits and costs of liberalisation across various trade and factor flows.


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Academic Units
Initiative for Policy Dialogue
Initiative for Policy Dialogue
Initiative for Policy Dialogue Working Paper Series
Published Here
February 2, 2010


Background paper for the "IPD/Stiglitz Plan," Part I. The opinions expressed in these papers represent those of the author(s) and not The Initiative for Policy Dialogue. These papers are unpublished and have not been peer reviewed. Please do not cite without explicit permission from the author(s).