Presentations (Communicative Events)

Making Research Data More Accessible

Castro, Eleni; Durand, Gustavo

This poster provides a brief overview of the Dataverse Network Project (, a web application for sharing, citing, analyzing and preserving research data, created at The Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS) at Harvard University and supported by the Harvard Library, Harvard University Information Technology and Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. This application facilitates making research data available to others for the purposes of re-use and citation. Researchers, data authors, publishers, data distributors, and affiliated institutions all receive appropriate credit for the deposited research data. Additionally, the poster highlights current/future projects and collaborations aiming to increase the discoverability, citability, reusability and long-term preservation of research data at Harvard University and beyond. Examples include: joint development of educational resources and advisory services addressing the research data life cycle (with the Harvard Library and Research Computing), a platform for sharing research data across all disciplines at Harvard, and a free open source application for other institutions to utilize. Demonstrated as well is our Sloan-funded collaboration with the Public Knowledge Project's Open Journal Systems (OJS: with a goal to develop technology for linking articles to their corresponding research data.


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More About This Work

Academic Units
Libraries and Information Services
Published Here
February 27, 2013


Presented on February 27, 2013 at Research Data Symposium, Columbia University, New York, NY.