
Simplifying Complexity in the Student Experience

Jaggars, Shanna; Fletcher, Jeffrey; Stacey, Georgia West; Little, Jill

This practitioner packet, based on work CCRC conducted at and with Macomb Community College, is designed to help colleges identify areas where students struggle due to excessive complexity in the academic decision-making process, and to devise and implement relatively low-cost solutions that can improve the student experience. Part one describes data-gathering methods colleges can use to help them understand how students experience intake, orientation, registration, advising, and the overall process of academic decision-making. Part two describes how colleges can use these data to identify areas of confusion, and to engage stakeholders in devising and implementing solutions. Part three describes how to evaluate redesigned processes and procedures in order to assess their impact and further refine them. Part four is an appendix that includes detailed examples of data collection and project management materials.


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More About This Work

Academic Units
Community College Research Center
Community College Research Center, Teachers College, Columbia University
Published Here
June 27, 2014