
Columbia University Libraries and Information Services Strategic Plan, 2010-2013

Columbia University. Libraries and Information Services; Columbia University Libraries/Information Services

This plan is the result of a series of focus groups and studies that took place in the fall of 2008 and the spring of 2009. A Strategic Planning Group, appointed by James Neal, Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian, guided the development of the plan. The plan will serve as guidance for CUL/IS staff and other internal and external stakeholders as they collaborate on the development and implementation of projects and programs. The plan has been developed in a context of rapid and far-reaching economic, technological, legal, and social change. Economic conditions will have strong impacts on scholarly publishing, the availability of grant funding, the library technology marketplace, and University capital investments. Advances in technology bring new service expectations, changing the ways students learn, faculty teach, and researchers collaborate. Pending legislation may profoundly affect access to digital content and scholarly research. In response to these changes CUL/IS, together with other research libraries, will place renewed emphasis on seeking systemic change through deep collaborations, eliminating redundant operations and achieving efficiencies of scale, and emphasizing collections and expertise of unique value to the larger scholarly community. CUL/IS will also work to influence change by exercising strong leadership in areas such as information policy, open access to scholarly research, intellectual property rights, innovation in using technology in teaching and learning, collecting and managing web content, and sustaining access to global resources.


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Academic Units
Libraries and Information Services
Published Here
March 15, 2010